Relaxing and Free


Cruising when the sun goes down
Across the sea
Searching for
Something inside of me

I will find all the lost pieces
Heart will feel
Deep and real
I was blind but now i see

You`re the one [2x]
I can`t live without u

Take me to your place
Where our hearts belong together
I will follow you
Cause you`re the reason that i breathe

I`ll come running to you
Feel me with your love forever
Promise you one thing
I will never let you go
Cause you are my everything

You're the one, you're my inspiration
You're the one,oh yes you're the one
you're the light that would keep me safe and warm
You’re the one, yess, you’re the one

Like the sun goes down
coming from above all
to the deepest ocean and highest mountain
deep and real deep i can see now

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New Moon

Posted by Hafizh On 0 komentar

kemaren gue nonton new moon dan sampe sekarang gue pengen nonton lagi!!! hhahaha
keren banget tuh film, two thumbs up deh :D
can't wait longer... Eclipse!


Ulang Tahun Sekolah, Hari Guru, Bulan Bahasa

ya itu lah dia acara osis 103 yg kemaren dilaksanakan di sekolah gue, mungkin bagi yg belum tau gue sekolah dimana, gue sekolah di SMA N 103 jakarta timur

sebelum hari H itu gue sama panitia yg lain cari dana, ngedekor, rapat.. kalo diibaratkan gelas diisi air badan gue mungkin udah luber gara gara capek

dari rumah ke rumah, kantor ke kantor, di suruh lari di lapangan gara gara ngga ikut rapat, pulang malem tiap hari, duit banyak yg keluar, nginep di sekolah sebelum hari H untuk ngedekor, dan lain lain..

gue bingung kan mau posting bagian mana nya, seru banget tuh acara dari awal sampe akhir. dari ceremony sampe Topi Jerami sang guest star susah deh buat di pilih mana yg paling seru, seru semua deh :D

gue disana sebagai seksi acara dan pas hari H gue jadi MC bareng fadly, ratia, sisil, dan satu lagi sang master hahaha dia itu cewe, penyiar radio, dan gue kenal pas gue siaran sama dia hehe nama nya adalaaaaaaah VEVE ADELINE :)

dia ngeMC ngga ada mati nya dah sumpah, penonton juga ikut seru sama dia haha

sorry ya gue lagi males posting nih, lagian belum dapet foto nya juga jadi males juga
nanti deh gue lanjutin lagi hehe



Posted by Hafizh On 0 komentar

2012?! akhir akhir ini gue seriiiing banggetz denger orang ngomong 2012 nanti dunia KIAMAT!!!
hipotesis nya banyak banget pula, ini dia:

1. Dari penanggalan jam suku maya yg Menyatakan 2012 is the end of our world

2. Terus ada juga yang bilang kalo planet 1 dari matahari sampe planet terakhir di sistem tata surya kita posisi nya sejajar garis lurus gitu men (terus bagian yg bisa ngancurin bumi nya di mana? emang ngga boleh kalo mereka sejajar? lo aja sejajar sama pacar orang ngga masalah kan?! ini nih teori yg menurut gue without reason)

3. Kata nya lagi, pas tahun 2012 ada yang bilang kalo ada meteor gueede mampir di bumi alias nubruk, di discovery channel waktu itu beberapa bulan yg lalu sih gue liat tuh benda lagi OTW tuh (itu kan gue liat sebelum lebaran tahun ini, kan biasa nya lebaran kan macet tuh gue harap lebaran tahun ini+lebaran 2010+2011 bisa bikin tuh meteor telat jadi tahun 2222 juga boleh)
tapi setelah berapa lama gue liat di kompas kl ngga salah atau bokap yg ngasih tau (loh? bokap ngikutin juga?) kalo jalur dari meteor nya itu ngga kena bumi cuma deket doang.

loh jadi yg bener yang mana? alasan yg ketiga baru aja gue mau percaya eh udah begitu aja.

udah lah ngga usah kita ngurusin urusan yang bukan urusan kita lah,mau kiamat tahun berapa juga yg ngelaksanain kiamat biasa aja ngga kaya kita yg lebay sampe di bikin film!

yg pertama kali gue pikirin pas liat thriller nya itu "kalo ada yg 3D nonton ah!" thats all

abad 2009 masih aja percaya sama isu isu ngga jelas yang berterbangan, abad ke 20 nih harus nya kita mikir rasional dan dari segi agama juga kita harus nya liat. coba kita mikir yg lebih berguna kaya gue tahun 2012 masuk universitas, umur gue udah 19 tahun+jadi mahasiswa yg sukses (amin hehe), udah punya penghasilan buat bantu ortu (amin), dsb nya yg berguna.

bukan nya gue mau sok sok an ya dengan posting ini tapi coba realistis dulu aja sekarang toh kalo kejadian 2012 masih rada lama kan masih bisa buat ngelakuin hal yg berguna dari pada cuma ketakutan ngga jelas abis nonton beginian

oke gan! hehe semoga posting ini berguna


My song

Posted by Hafizh On 0 komentar

Banyak lagu yg gue dengerin, kalo ditanya gue suka genre apaan gue juga bingung soal nya gue suka kalo di kuping gue enak jadi gue juga ngga tau deh

akhir akhir ini gue dengerin yg pas sama mood aja, dan gue mau bagi bagi lirik nya nih semoga lo semua suka


1. It is you - Dana glover (OST.Shrek)

There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes

But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you

But now I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

Over and over
I'm filled with emotion
Your love, it rushes through my veins

And I am filled
With the sweetest devotion
As I, I look into your perfect face

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along

2. Teddy picker -  Arctic Monkeys

Despair to the point till they provoke
The punchline before they have told the joke
The sheer desperation to be scene/seen
Staring at the television screen

Despair to the point where they provoke
You to tell the fucking punchline before you have told the joke
Sorry sunshine it doesn't exist
It wasn't in the top 100 list

And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
He told ya, that you were gagging for it

She saw it and she grabbed it and it wasn't what it seemed
The kids all dream of making it, whatever that means
Another variation on a theme
A tangle on the television and the magazine
D'you reckon that they do it for a joke?
D'you reckon that they make 'em take an oath?
That says "we are defenders
Of any poseur or professional pretender around"

When did your list replace the twist and turn?
Ah the fist, replaced the kissed-on concern
And if you're bothered, I don't want your prayers
Save it for the morning after

And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
He told ya, that you were gagging for it

Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker
Not quick enough can I have it quicker?
Already thick and you're getting thicker
Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker
Not quick enough can I have it quicker?
Already thick and you're getting thicker

Asuming that all things are equal,
Who'd want to be men of the people
When there's people like you ?

selain itu gue juga dengerin Indie kaya Vox, Pegawai Negeri, Efek Rumah Kaca, Black Eyed Peas, David Cook, David Archuleta, Jason Mraz, Barry Manilow, Celine Dion juga loh! haha and many more... (capek ah)
