In twitter i talk to my best friend when i chat with "her"
Me: Glad to chat with "her" again but i'm still afraid :(
My Best @Me: whats wrong ma man?
Me @My Best: it's about "her", i'm chat with her and find my body is freeze and afraid to open the chat room :(
My Bes t@Me: why? Face it fiz or you'll regret it.
Me @My Best: i dont know why, i'm very afraid and my hand so cold now. deg deg an
My Best @Me: now or never. Repair your relationship with her! Or you'll be awkward with her forever.
Me :( @My Best
My Best @Me: dont be sad hey big boy. You should listen the script's song. The man who cant be moved. The lyric match w/ you.
Me @My Best:: funny.. 1. i'm very confused not only sad, 2. i had listen that song from 4 month ago (at the happy relationship is broke)
My Best @Me: well, now just you and your heart that know what you felt. Dont avoid fiz.
Me @My Best : it's over.. and the reason is she's afraid of her boyfriend to chat with me.
My Best @Me: well, maybe she's not the one. You SHOULD open new page in your life. You can do it, everyone can do it fiz.
Me @My Best: sorry nis... off :(
My Best @Me: its okay, cooling down your self.
i still cant forget the past after so long, even until this day..
can i fixed that relationship and be one part together again or i must dissapear from her...
Across the sea
Searching for
Something inside of me
I will find all the lost pieces
Heart will feel
Deep and real
I was blind but now i see
You`re the one [2x]
I can`t live without u
Take me to your place
Where our hearts belong together
I will follow you
Cause you`re the reason that i breathe
I`ll come running to you
Feel me with your love forever
Promise you one thing
I will never let you go
Cause you are my everything
You're the one, you're my inspiration
You're the one,oh yes you're the one
you're the light that would keep me safe and warm
You’re the one, yess, you’re the one
Like the sun goes down
coming from above all
to the deepest ocean and highest mountain
deep and real deep i can see now
Back to *
kemaren gue nonton new moon dan sampe sekarang gue pengen nonton lagi!!! hhahaha
keren banget tuh film, two thumbs up deh :D
can't wait longer... Eclipse!
dia ngeMC ngga ada mati nya dah sumpah, penonton juga ikut seru sama dia haha
yg pertama kali gue pikirin pas liat thriller nya itu "kalo ada yg 3D nonton ah!" thats all
abad 2009 masih aja percaya sama isu isu ngga jelas yang berterbangan, abad ke 20 nih harus nya kita mikir rasional dan dari segi agama juga kita harus nya liat. coba kita mikir yg lebih berguna kaya gue tahun 2012 masuk universitas, umur gue udah 19 tahun+jadi mahasiswa yg sukses (amin hehe), udah punya penghasilan buat bantu ortu (amin), dsb nya yg berguna.
bukan nya gue mau sok sok an ya dengan posting ini tapi coba realistis dulu aja sekarang toh kalo kejadian 2012 masih rada lama kan masih bisa buat ngelakuin hal yg berguna dari pada cuma ketakutan ngga jelas abis nonton beginian
oke gan! hehe semoga posting ini berguna
In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes
But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along
There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you
But now I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along
Over and over
I'm filled with emotion
Your love, it rushes through my veins
And I am filled
With the sweetest devotion
As I, I look into your perfect face
It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along
The punchline before they have told the joke
The sheer desperation to be scene/seen
Staring at the television screen
Despair to the point where they provoke
You to tell the fucking punchline before you have told the joke
Sorry sunshine it doesn't exist
It wasn't in the top 100 list
And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
He told ya, that you were gagging for it
She saw it and she grabbed it and it wasn't what it seemed
The kids all dream of making it, whatever that means
Another variation on a theme
A tangle on the television and the magazine
D'you reckon that they do it for a joke?
D'you reckon that they make 'em take an oath?
That says "we are defenders
Of any poseur or professional pretender around"
When did your list replace the twist and turn?
Ah the fist, replaced the kissed-on concern
And if you're bothered, I don't want your prayers
Save it for the morning after
And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder,
Don't be surprised when you get bent over,
He told ya, that you were gagging for it
Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker
Not quick enough can I have it quicker?
Already thick and you're getting thicker
Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker
Not quick enough can I have it quicker?
Already thick and you're getting thicker
Asuming that all things are equal,
Who'd want to be men of the people
When there's people like you ?
mantep banget ,gue ngerasa punya dunia sendiri pas lagi foto pake DSLR hehe lebay sih tapi ini beneran yg gue rasa.
semoga gue bisa cepet punya kamera DSLR amin. :D
mungkin bagi kelas 1 sekarang sedikit repot soal nya LDKS nya aja di cilodong (pangkalan militer) yg disana peraturan nya bener bener ketat hahahaha tapi tetep aja kan seneng semua, i guess.... -.-
sebelum nya nih gan, ane kasih sedikit contoh buat agan (kaya di kaskus hehe)
Ayah Tanya Nilai Ulangan
Pada suatu hari seorang Ayah menanyakan hasil ulangan kepada Anaknya
Ayah: "Berapa nilai ulanganmu, nak?"
Anak: "Sepuluh, Pak."
Ayah: " Wah hebat benar anak bapak ini, kalau temanmu dapat nilai berapa."
Anak: "Kalau temanku ada yang dapat 70, 80, 90, dan bahkan ada yang mendapat 100"
Ayah: "????!!!"
nanti nih senin gue ulangan lagi padahal perasaan baru 3 mingguan lalu gue ulangan, sekarang ulangan lagi, ngga ngerti gue maksud nya apa sekolah gue.
anak sekolah gue pada nulis di status yg tema nya "belajar buat senin", ada juga yg "nanti aja belajar nya", terus satu lagi "ngapain belajar, males deh". kl lo termasuk yg mana nich (haha kebiasaan lama keluar pake nich, twit4alay mode on)
kalo gue emang dari sono nya males belajar dirumah, soal nya kenapa??????????
disekolah belajar dari pagi sampe sore (sudah jelas bahwa pagi sampai sore itu waktu yg pas buat belajar) terus dirumah malem nya disuruh belajar juga??! ayolah kapan istirahat nya, coba aja deh pikirin buat apa coba???! mending buat istirahat biar besok nya full buat belajar lagi.
kata orang dulu nih yee belajar sama main tuh minimal mendekati atau bagus nya lagi seimbang, itu biar ngerangsang otak lebih fresh supaya bisa jernih pas nerima pelajaran.
so?? siapa yg mikir kaya gue? hahaha
jangan deh mikir kaya gue gini, kalo salah nanti malah kacau loh!!
buat anak 103 angkatan gue good luck ya menempuh SEMUA TEST yg dikasih dari sekolah kita tercinta, dan semoga nanti kita bisa lulus semua dan masuk universitas yg diinginkan dan dapet kehidupan yg baik. amin
mungkin bagi lo yang tau gue udah jomblo berapa lama mungkin ngga terlalu heran, tapi bagi gue ini udah cukup lama dan udah saat nya buat nyari, tapi ternyata ngga segampang itu.
setelah sama "itu" sekarang gue dapet lagi orang yang bener bener bikin gue nyaman, cocok, seneng, sayang yg bener bener sayang. sebelum nya ni orang biasa aja buat gue, setelah pra LDKS di sekolah gue,gue jadi pengen deket sama dia.
tapi ngga bisa seenak nya gitu juga setelah gue pikir pikir, gue kan osis yg harus ngurusin anak kelas 1 secara khusus sampe selesai LDKS dan ini juga yg ngebuat gue nunda buat deketin dia sampe selesai LDKS. setelah selesai gue mulai deket sama dia, dari chat, wall, sms, bahkan ngajak dia ke Mcd.
ortu nya welcome banget sama gue pas gue kerumah nya dia, sumpah itu first impression yg jarang banget ketemu dari ortu pacar atau bahkan cuma sekedar calon. tapi setelah semua itu gue ketemu lagi sama masalah, dia nya mulai dijauhin sama orang orang yg punya "alasan tertentu" buat ngejauhin dia dan itu gara gara gue!
akhir nya gue putusin buat ngejauhin dia, padahal rencana nya tanggal 24 ini gue mau ngomong yg sejujur nya eh kemaren malah kaya gini. walaupun gue ngebiarin dia dan mikirin dia nya juga kl sampe jadian sama gue dia di jauhin, tetep aja gue udah terlanjur ada rasa "spesial" sama seperti dulu yg pernah gue rasa sama "itu".
ini kali ke 2 gue ngerasa kaya gini, dan lagi lagi gue gagal.
gue ikhlas jauhin lo tapi jujur gue kangen banget banget sama lo dan sejujur nya lagi gue sayang.
Hafizh Baihaki
Born 7th September 1993
- You were born on a Tuesday.
- Your star sign is Virgo.
- Your birthstone is Sapphire.
- The season was Summer.
- You were born in the Chinese year of the Rooster.
- The US President was Bill Clinton (Democratic).
- The UK Prime Minister was John Major (Conservative).
- Tuesday's child is full of grace.
- You are 16 years 0 months 26 days old.
- It is 339 days until your next birthday.
- In dog years you are 112 years old.
- You are 5,870 days old.
- You are approximately 140,883 hours old.
- You are approximately 507,180,553 seconds old.
(kita kalah nih sama yg kaya gini yg udah bisa kawin )
Para ilmuwan mengklaim bahwa mereka telah menemukan 'dunia yang hilang' dimana beberapa spesies hewan yang belum ditemukan terdapat di sana termasuk diantaranya adalah katak dan tikus raksasa dengan ukuran tubuh sebesar kucing. Ekspedisi yang dilakukan oleh BBC menjelajahi kawah raksasa sebuah gunung berapi yang terletak di dataran tinggi Papua Nugini untuk membuat film dokumenter Lost Land of the Volcano.
Didampingi oleh ahli biologi pertama yang pernah menginjakkan kaki di kawah, tim peneliti itu memfilmkan labah-labah aneh, ulat raksasa dan kanguru yang hidup di pohon. Sementara itu tikus yang berada di pulau itu panjangnya mencapai 81cm dari hidung ke ekor dan beratnya mencapai 1,3kg.
Kawah Gunung Bosawi dengan kedalaman beberapa meter hampir-hampir tak pernah tersentuh oleh tangan manusia semenjak meletus 200,000 tahun silam. Tim peneliti yang termasuk diantaranya berasal dari London Zoo dan Oxford University diperkirakan adalah orang-orang pertama yang memasuki kawah tersebut.
Pemimpin ekspedisi, Dr George McGavin mengatakan, "Ini luar biasa mengejutkan. Sudah waktunya kita menurunkan tangan dan memutuskan habitat ini layak diselamatkan." Di kawah tersebut mereka menemukan 40 spesies baru diantaranya 16 spesies katak, satu spesies tokek, 3 spesies ikan, 20 spesies serangga dan labah-labah dan satu spesies kelelawar.
Anehnya, kenapa selalu orang luar yang lebih perduli kepada lingkungan kita? padahal daerah itu kan kepunyaan kita seharusnya kitalah yang terlebih dahulu menemukannya. Kayaknya memang tingkat kesadaran bangsa Indonesia sudah di fase kritis.
keren keren akhir nya INDONESIA ada yg menghebohkan juga !!!
udah lama nih gue ga ngurusin ni blog hehe ga ngerti juga sih gue tapi yg lain pada bikin sih hahaha (asik nya ngikut)
kemaren tanggal 28 abis dari sekolah karena males pulang (kebiasaan gue yaa ini hehe) gue jalan2 aja sendirian ntah kemana yg akhir nya nyampe lah gading, gue rasa gading itu deket kl jalan sama orang lain tapi kl sendiri kaya nya harus pikir2 lagi deh, ternyata ga sedeket yg gue kira apa lagi kl diem ga ada temen ngobrol!!!!!!
oke lah singkat cerita udah nyampe sana,ternyata gue cuma bawa 30.000 (wow?! a little money and i dont realize it before), apa ya yg bisa gue lakuin dgn duit segitu di kelas gading??
ujung2nya nyampe lah di XXI MKG 5 dan ternyata its monday!! time for nomat haha i think i can watch one of them and i choose The Grudge 3
awal nya samping gue cewe sih hehe tapi dia pindah sama cowo nya dan ternyata cowo nya yaa gitu beda tipis sama cewe (mungkin cowo nya) gue udah males deh. pas nonton gue baru sadar kl gue udah pernah nonton! gila kali! kl ga salah dirumah ninis haha gue lupa
pas nonton juga nonton udah kaya di dufan anjrit rame bgt yg teriak baru kali ini gue nonton kaya gitu
setelah selesai gue jalan2 bentar dan pulang deh dgn rasa nyesel dan sedikit puas (ok, its not balance anymore)
hehe sorry ya kl ga jelas gue masih amatir nih
Hai semua.. gw baru nih disini..
ini entri pertama masih norak sih.. haha tepat nya lagi gw ngisi entri ini nyoba2 aja.ngerti juga ga tapi karena disuruh jadi nya ya gw bikin aja..
salam kenal ya